Für den deutschsprachigen Raum existieren die zwei YSF-Reflektoren „DL Germany“ und „DL Germany2“, von denen der erste mit der BrandMeister-Talkgroup 26208 verbunden ist.
How To Setup Bluedv With A Thumbdv Or Dv Mega Ambe3000 Dongle. Ham Radio 2.0: Episode 142 - RadioID.Net Updates with VE9GLN. You don't want to miss what the Lord has in store. fm is the website to listen to free Online radio stations around the world.
net Yo!Tuner PCRadio Radioline Raddios Nobex.This is an experimental video of my road trip to the Hamfest, which includes some QSOs on the Brandmeister DMR Network through a BlueDV hotspot, and trying to reach someone on a couple of the 220MHz repeaters in the Tulsa, OK area. My Journey to Joplin for the 2016 Hamfest.